Policies and Procedures | Documents

1.5 Legal Foundations Article


This article provides background knowledge of the realization of an ESOL Endorsement in Florida in the early 1990s, and includes two prominent figures from the Florida Department of Education, R.E. LeMon and L. Clayton-Kandor.  The authors present an overview of how reading and language arts instruction can meet a state ESOL Endorsement requirement by integrating the requisite knowledge and competencies into existing Teacher Education Programs. Pre-service teachers completing the integrated methodology courses and field experience considered ESOL needs and incorporated strategies as a natural part of their planning and instructional processes. Thus, the ESOL seed was planted; it took root; it sprouted and flowered. The inclusion of various checkpoints in programs should assure continuous blooming and opportunities for teachers to choose from an abundant garden of practical strategies which will ultimately guide them in delivering appropriate instruction to English learners in all classrooms.